Category: Featured Vehicle

Unparallelled JDM Immersion: Stan’s EF Honda Civic
Stan, a 28-year-old computer security engineer, embarked on a journey in Japan that transcended mere work and ventured into the

Wide, Low and Cultured – the LOWCUL K-swapped E30 BMW
Photos: Tiby Gherasim | Yusuke Hoshi Tomizawa-san is a man with a passion for cars, and when he acquired an

Returning to the Roots: Hirota-san’s Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R Hakosuka
Photos: Tiby Gherasim The Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R “Hakosuka” is one of the most iconic cars in the history of

IDING Power Ferrari F460GT
IDING Power – named after its founder Ide-san – is a specialized service and tuning house based in Kanagawa, Japan.

1932 Ford Roadster: Yamazaki-san’s Pacific Highway Cruiser
Rambling the streets with no destination in mind…

Henry’s R35 Nissan GTR: built to order
Modifying cars in Japan – especially GTR’s – can be a little challenging and usually doesn’t allow owners the freedom

Indra’s Track R35 GTR: #weekendtrackcar
Indra’s Track R35 – a suspension-focused built R35 to take to the tracks in Japan when he isn’t busy working