Unparallelled JDM Immersion: Stan’s EF Honda Civic
Stan, a 28-year-old computer security engineer, embarked on a journey in Japan that transcended mere work and ventured into the

Wide, Low and Cultured – the LOWCUL K-swapped E30 BMW
Photos: Tiby Gherasim | Yusuke Hoshi Tomizawa-san is a man with a passion for cars, and when he acquired an

Returning to the Roots: Hirota-san’s Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R Hakosuka
Photos: Tiby Gherasim The Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R “Hakosuka” is one of the most iconic cars in the history of

Captured: Porsche Club Roppongi Track Day at FujiSpeedWay
Photos: Ken | Art of Tune The Porsche Club Roppongi recently hosted an open track day at the legendary Fuji

Attack Tsukuba – the 10th Year Anniversary
Photos: Tiby Gherasim & Ken | Art of Tune During our time at TAS 2023, the opportunity to attend Attack Tsukuba

Tokyo Late Night Meet Series: Oi PA saves the night
Last Saturday started well at Daikoku. We had a snow weather warning the day before so everyone was itching to

Tokyo Auto Salon 2023 Photo Dump
Tokyo Auto Salon 2023 was a magnificent display of cars, tuners, models, and high-performance products, as it always is. The

Lowriding in Shibuya: a glimpse into Japan’s lowrider car culture
Photos: Tiby Gherasim Lowriding culture, also known as the “lowrider lifestyle,” has been a significant part of American cultural history

Cars & Coffee Okinawa
Photos: Nismo Jefferson Despite the gloomy weather conditions and the possibility of rain, Cars & Coffee Okinawa still saw a